BEST Face Cleanser Recipe

One of the best natural recipes I have found is my facial cleanser. I have always had impossible dry skin. Many eye make-up removers would burn my eyes. I was constantly battling a dry face and supplemented with face lotion many times a day. So, after my transition to more natural products I went looking for a solution to my problem. I tried many things, but finally found the PERFECT one! It is SO easy and works better than any expensive face cleanser or eye make-up remover I have ever had. I no longer buy face lotion because my skin is clean but doesn’t dry out from a cleanser removing all my natural oils.

Recipe for Natural Facial Cleanser: 

1 cup distilled water

1 tsp (organic) olive oil

(Even when I run out of distilled water, I turn to tap water. Distilled still seems to work better.)