New to Cloth Diaper?

I would like to believe that I am not a complete addict. But I do have a love affair with cloth diapers. If you are a new mom or not-  cloth diapering is for YOU!!! Not only does it save you TONS of money, but it is kinder to your little ones bums, and way more fun for you as Mama. You may ask yourself… “FUN?” YESSS! FUN!  Fun patterns, cute designs, and variety of options there is no losing interest with the unending options of cloth diapering. Once you start, your hooked.

430131_10152049010174968_1216296552_n Luna Belle wearing a Charlie Banana cloth diaper

To the moms who are truly thinking of going on the cloth diaper adventure, It is a blast. But I wanted to give you a few tips that I have learned along the way. I started cloth diapering our first-born, Luna Belle at six months ( She just turned Two!) and continue to cloth diaper with our one month old son Sebastian.

1. Research. But not too much because there is a lot of information and it can make your head spin! Look in your area for local cloth diaper stores (i.e. Circle Me, Lincoln, Ne) They have been a huge source of information and support.  Which leads me to SUPPORT! If your going on the cloth diaper adventure, talk with your significant other first. Next look online for other moms in your area that cloth diaper, and other social media avenues (i.e. Facebook groups, discussion boards). Find other moms/dads (but mostly moms) you can talk to! No matter how long you’ve been cloth diapering it is always good to have support and like-minded people to share your experiences and concerns with! It has saved me and restored my faith in cloth diapers when I have been at my wit’s end.

2. Explore! Explore the styles, brands, sizes, and don’t put your eggs all in one basket. There are so many major brands of cloth diapers, and they are a great starting place and reliable to fall back on. However, every baby is different and different sizes and styles will fit your little one differently then they fit a friends. Find what works for you. There are trial packs you can buy and consignment avenues that may be the greatest place to buy cloth diapers at a cheaper price before you decide which one works best for you and your family.

3. Ask Questions! Ask me questions! Ask your new cloth diaper friends! Ask your new cloth diaper community questions!